Customising Your Interface

To update your logo, theme and image on the login page:

  1. Go to the Settings area.
  2. In the Account Settings tile, click Appearance.

To Change Your Logo

  1. Click Change Logo.
  2. Click Upload a logo or drag and drop your file. Please note that you can only upload a picture file (JPEG, JPG, PNG).
  3. Select your image and click Open.
  4. Click Update.

To Change Your Theme

Follow steps 1 and 2, then click the Change colour button and select your new theme.

To Change Your Image on the Login Page

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2, then click Change login page.
  2. Your account default settings do not display an image. To add one, click display an image on the login page.
  3. Upload an image or drag and drop your file. Please note that you can only upload a picture file (JPEG, JPG, PNG).
  4. Click Update.
  5. Click Sign Out to see the change.

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