The Create Area

The create area is your toolshed. It’s where you build and collect all the content you need for your team. Once content is ‘published’ here it's available in the manage area for you to assign out to team members. Keep in mind that the create area is only viewable to users with the right permissions.

How to Add Courses

In the courses tab, select ‘create courses’. Here, you can either build a course from scratch or edit one from our course catalogue.

The Course Catalogue

Our course catalogue features a variety of compliance courses and soft skills courses.

In the catalogue, simply switch the toggle button and they're added to your 'published' courses. This means you can assign them to a user in the manage area, change the settings for the course, or even recreate your own version of one of our courses.

Building Your Own Courses

Our course builder does one million and one things. You can add videos, generate content with AI, add quizzes, and more. We recommend trying it out and reading more about it in our help documents.

Course Settings and Miscellaneous Tips

Once you've published or added a course, keep in mind you can do these things:

  • You can update new versions of courses without reassigning them
  • You can change how long your team have to complete a course
  • You can add certificates to your own courses
  • You can copy content from any course to create a new course

Go to Help Documents for Courses

Docs to Sign & Resources

In the Create area, you'll also find the Docs to Sign tab. Here you can create sign-able content; and once it's published, it'll go to the manage area where you can assign it to your team. Docs to Sign are good to use for contracts or whenever you need to collect a signature from your team.

Videos, PDFs, images: The resources tab let's you add any type of content you want. Once you've published it and assigned it to your team in the manage area, you can also see who has viewed which piece of content when.

Go to Help Documents for Docs to Sign

Go To Help Documents for Resources


Pathways let you bundle courses, resources, or any content you've published into stages.

The courses and content in one stage need to be completed before a user is assigned the content from the next stage. This is a handy tool when you have a course of learning materials that you wnat your team to do in order.

Go to Help Documents for Pathways

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